Google Analytics 4 如何查看 Referrals 流量來源,以及建立報表

Google Analytics 是一個網站流量統計程式。我覺得對於一般人來說,Analytics 的功能太多了,裡面有一些名詞也不是很好懂,導致進到 Analytics 網站後很難找到想要查看的資料!

本網頁的教學要帶你查看 Analytics 裡記錄的「Referral」資料,這 Referral 資料可以讓我們了解訪客是從哪個網站轉介到我們的網站。


Visual Studio Code 的安裝說明,以及推薦的延伸模組 (Windows/Linux)

微軟開發的 Visual Studio Code (簡稱 VS Code) 是一套非常熱門的「編輯器」! VS Code 跨平台,且開放原始碼。它雖然僅是一個輕量版的編輯器,卻可經由安裝延伸模組來支援程式碼語法突顯、偵錯、自動補全、重構、Markdown...等琳瑯滿目功能,打造你夢想中的 IDE (整合開發環境)。

VS Code 預設僅支援 JavaScript、TypeScript、CSS、HTML,同樣能透過下載延伸模組來支援 Python、C/C++、Java、Perl、Go... 等其他程式語言。


[Perl]如何在 Visual Studio Code 建立 Perl 的程式開發環境 (Windows/Linux)

據說 Perl 可能是近幾年會消失的 5 種程式語言之一 (另外 4 個語言分別是 RubyHaskellObject-CR)! 現在在 Visual Studio Code (簡稱 VS Code) 建立 Perl 的程式開發環境也算是幫 Perl 續一下命,大慈大悲、功德無量。

要建立好整個 Perl 的開發環境主要分為三個步驟:

  1. 安裝 Perl 的執行環境
  2. 安裝 VS Code Editor
  3. 在 VS Code 安裝 Perl 的延伸模組 (Extension)




弱點: TLS Service Supports Weak Cipher Suite

Transport Layer Security (TLS), the successor to Secure Socket Layer (SSL), is a network protocol that encrypt communications between TLS servers (e.g., websites) and TLS clients (e.g., web browsers). Every communication is secured by a cipher suite: a combination of several algorithms working in concert. Cryptographic algorithms do not have a defined lifetime, but academics, researchers, and nation states are constantly evaluating them for weaknesses. Consensus on which algorithms are untrustworthy evolves over time, and if a communication is protected with a weak cipher suite then that communication can be altered or decrypted.

  • Severity: Medium
  • Risk: A TLS service was observed supporting weak cipher suites.
  • Recommendation: Disable the cipher suites listed in the evidence column of the measurement.


如何解決 SSH Server 使用了不安全的加密演算法: ARCFOUR、CBC、HMAC-MD5、HMAC-RIPEMD160


弱點 1: SSH Supports Weak Cipher

The SSH server is configured to support either Arcfour or Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode cipher algorithms. SSH can be configured to use Counter (CTR) mode encryption instead of CBC. The use of Arcfour algorithms should be disabled.

  • Severity: Medium
  • Risk: A weak cipher has been detected.
  • Recommendation: Configure the SSH server to disable Arcfour and CBC ciphers.

弱點 2: SSH Supports Weak MAC

The SSH server is configured to support MD5 algorithm. The cryptographic strength depends upon the size of the key and algorithm that is used. A Modern MAC algorithms such as SHA1 or SHA2 should be used instead.

  • Severity: Medium
  • Risk: A weak Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm has been detected.
  • Recommendation: Configure the SSH server to disable the use of MD5.
